Java SE 8 New Features Ed 1

2 Days
Price (baht)
About the course
1. Introduction
- Course Goal 1-2
- Course Objectives 1-3
- Introductions 1-4
- Audience 1-5
- Prerequisites 1-6
- Course Map 1-7
- Schedule 1-8
- Practice Environment 1-10
- Additional Resources 1-11
- What Is not Covered in this Course 1-12
- Compact Profiles 1-13
- Compact Profile Purpose 1-14
- Compact Profile Table 1-15
- Annotations 1-16
- Java FX 1-17
- Security 1-18
- Concurrency 1-19
- Practice 1-20
2. Lambda Introduction
- Objectives 2-2
- Inner Classes 2-3
- Anonymous Inner Class 2-4
- Anonymous Inner Class Drawbacks 2-5
- Lambda Expression 2-6
- Vertical Problem Solved 2-7
- Lambda Expression Defined 2-8
- By What Magic? 2-9
- Functional Interfaces 2-10
- Summary 2-11
- Practices 2-12
3. A Case for Lambda Expressions
- Objectives 3-2
- Why Lambda Now? 3-3
- A Common Example 3-4
- Person Properties 3-5
- Robocall01 Demo 3-6
- RoboCall01 Recap 3-7
- Robocall02 Demo 3-8
- Robocall02 Recap 3-9
- RoboCall03 Demo 3-10
- A Test Interface 3-11
- Test Class Already Exists 3-12
- Robocall03 Recap 3-13
- Robocall04 Demo 3-14
- What Is Replaced? 3-15
- What Is a Lambda Expression? 3-16
- Lambda Expression: Recap 3-18
- Summary 3-19
- Practice 3-20
4. Filtering Collections with Lambdas
- Objectives 4-2
- RoboCall06 Iterating with forEach 4-3
- RoboCallTest07: Stream and Filter 4-4
- RobocallTest08: Stream and Filter Again 4-5
- RoboCall Summary 4-6
- SalesTxn Class 4-7
- Builder Pattern 4-8
- Java Streams 4-9
- The Filter Method 4-10
- Method References 4-11
- Method Chaining 4-12
- Pipeline Defined 4-14
- Summary 4-15
- Practices 4-16
- Java Puzzle Ball 4-17
- Game Debriefing: Quiz 4-18
- Game Debriefing: Concepts 4-19
- Game Debriefing: Quiz 4-20
- Solutions 4-21
5. Using Built-in Lambda Types
- Objectives 5-2
- Why Discuss Functional Interfaces? 5-3
- The java.util.function Package 5-4
- Example Assumptions 5-5
- Predicate 5-6
- Predicate: Example 5-7
- Consumer 5-8
- Consumer: Example 5-9
- Function 5-10
- Function: Example 5-11
- Supplier 5-12
- Supplier: Example 5-13
- Primitive Interface 5-14
- Return a Primitive Type 5-15
- Return a Primitive Type: Example 5-16
- Process a Primitive Type 5-17
- Process Primitive Type: Example 5-18
- Binary Types 5-19
- Binary Type: Example 5-20
- UnaryOperator: Example 5-21
- Wildcard Generics Review 5-22
- Summary 5-23
- Practices 5-24
6. Collection Operations with Lambda
- Objectives 6-2
- Streams API 6-3
- Types of Operations 6-4
- Extracting Data with Map 6-5
- Taking a Peek 6-6
- Search Methods: Overview 6-7
- Search Methods 6-8
- Optional Class 6-9
- Lazy Operations 6-10
- Stream Data Methods 6-11
- Performing Calculations 6-12
- Sorting 6-13
- Comparator Updates 6-14
- Saving Data from a Stream 6-15
- Collectors Class 6-16
- Summary 6-17
- Practices 6-18
7. Parallel Streams
- Objectives 7-2
- Streams Review 7-3
- Old Style Collection Processing 7-4
- New Style Collection Processing 7-5
- Stream Pipeline: Another Look 7-6
- Styles Compared 7-7
- Parallel Stream 7-8
- Using Parallel Streams: Collection 7-9
- Using Parallel Streams: From a Stream 7-10
- Pipelines Fine Print 7-11
- Avoid Statefulness 7-12
- Embrace Statelessness 7-13
- Streams Are Deterministic for Most Part 7-14
- Some Are Not Deterministic 7-15
- Reduction 7-16
- Reduction Fine Print 7-17
- Reduction: Example 7-18
- A Look Under the Hood 7-24
- Illustrating Parallel Execution 7-25
- Performance 7-36
- A Simple Performance Model 7-37
- Summary 7-38
- Practices 7-39
8. Lambda Cookbook
- Objectives 8-2
- ArrayList Enhancements 8-3
- Map Enhancements 8-4
- Map Merge 8-5
- Map Stream 8-6
- Quick Streams with Stream.of 8-7
- BufferedReader File Stream 8-8
- NIO File Stream 8-9
- Read File into ArrayList 8-10
- List the Contents of a Directory 8-11
- Walk the Directory Structure 8-12
- Search a Directory Structure 8-13
- Flatten Data with flatMap 8-14
- Summary 8-15
- Practices 8-16
9. Method Enhancements
- Objectives 9-2
- The Debate: Evolving Technology 9-3
- Pros and Cons 9-4
- Building Good Libraries 9-5
- Evolving Interfaces and the Collections Library 9-6
- static Methods in Interfaces 9-7
- default Methods in Interfaces 9-8
- Multiple Inheritance in Java 9-9
- Inheritance Rules of default Methods 9-10
- Summary 9-13
- Practices 9-14
10. Working with Local Dates and Times
- Objectives 10-2
- Why Is Date and Time Important? 10-3
- Previous Java Date and Time 10-4
- Java Date and Time API Goals 10-5
- Working with Local Date and Time 10-6
- Working with LocalDate 10-7
- LocalDate: Example 10-8
- Working with LocalTime 10-9
- LocalTime: Example 10-10
- Working with LocalDateTime 10-11
- LocalTimeDate: Example 10-12
- Date and Time Methods 10-13
- Summary 10-14
- Practice 10-15
11. Working with Time Zones
- Objectives 11-2
- Working with Time Zones 11-3
- Daylight Savings Time Rules 11-4
- Modeling Time Zones 11-5
- Creating ZonedDateTime Objects 11-6
- Working with ZonedDateTime Gaps/Overlaps 11-7
- ZoneRules 11-8
- Working Across Time Zones 11-9
- Summary 11-10
- Practice 11-11
12. Working with Date and Time Amounts
- Objectives 12-2
- Date and Time Amounts 12-3
- Period 12-4
- Duration 12-5
- Calculating Between Days 12-6
- Making Dates Pretty 12-7
- Using Fluent Notation 12-8
- Summary 12-9
- Practice 12-10
13. JavaScript on Java with Nashorn
- Objectives 13-2
- What Is Nashorn? 13-3
- Nashorn Use Cases 13-4
- Command-line Tool: jjs 13-5
- The jjs Tool 13-6
- Additional Scripting Features 13-8
- Nashorn Global Objects 13-9
- Nashorn Global Functions 13-10
- Additional Resources 13-12
- Summary 13-13
- Practice 13-14
14. JavaScript on Java with Nashorn
- Objectives 14-2
- Using Java in JavaScript 14-3
- Accessing Java Classes 14-4
- Constructing Java Objects 14-5
- Invoking methods 14-6
- Using JavaBeans 14-7
- Working with Java Arrays 14-8
- Working with Java Collections 14-10
- Implementing Java Interfaces 14-11
- Extending Abstract Java Classes 14-13
- Extending Concrete Java Classes 14-14
- Accessing Methods of a SuperClass 14-15
- Accessing a Method Overload Variant 14-16
- Summary 14-17
- Practice 14-18
15. JavaScript on Java with Nashorn
- Objectives 15-2
- Evaluating JavaScript in Java 15-3
- Passing a Java Object to JavaScript 15-4
- Invoking a JavaScript Function 15-6
- Invoking a Method of a JavaScript Object 15-7
- Nashorn Security 15-8
- JavaFX and Nashorn 15-9
- JavaFX: Example 15-10
- JavaFX JavaScript Example 15-12
- JavaFX Example Refined 15-13
- Summary 15-14
- Practices 15-15
16. Java Mission Control
- Objectives 16-2
- Mission Control 16-3
- JMX and MBeans 16-4
- Mission Control Management Console: Overview Tab 16-5
- MBeans: MBean Browser Tab 16-6
- MBeans: Operations Tab 16-7
- MBeans: Notifications Tab 16-8
- MBeans: Metadata Tab 16-9
- MBeans: Triggers Tab 16-10
- Runtime: System Tab 16-11
- Runtime: Memory Tab 16-12
- Runtime: Threads Tab 16-13
- Diagnostics Tab 16-14
- Summary 16-15
- Practices 16-16
17. Java Flight Recorder
- Objectives 17-2
- Java Flight Recorder 17-3
- How Java Flight Recorder Works 17-4
- Flight Recordings 17-5
- Starting a Flight Recording 17-6
- Reviewing the JFR User Interface 17-7
- JVM Browser 17-8
- JFR General Tab Group 17-9
- General: Range Navigator 17-10
- Events: Overview 17-11
- Events: Log 17-12
- Events: Graph 17-13
- Events: Threads 17-14
- Memory: Overview 17-15
- Memory: Garbage Collections 17-16
- Memory: GC Times 17-17
- Memory: GC Configuration 17-18
- Memory: Allocations 17-19
- Memory: Object Statistics 17-20
- Code: Overview 17-21
- Code: Hot Methods 17-22
- Code: Exceptions 17-23
- Threads: Overview 17-24
- Threads: Hot Threads 17-25
- Threads: Latencies 17-26
- Threads: Thread Dumps 17-27
- I/O: Socket Read 17-28
- System: Overview 17-29
- Configuring Java Flight Recorder 17-30
- Avoiding Common JFR Pitfalls 17-31
- Summary 17-32
- Practices 17-33
18. Oracle Cloud
- Agenda 18-2
- What is Cloud? 18-3
- What is Cloud Computing? 18-4
- History – Cloud Evolution 18-5
- Components of Cloud Computing 18-6
- Characteristics of Cloud 18-7
- Cloud Deployment Models 18-8
- Cloud Service Models 18-9
- Industry Shifting from On-Premises to the Cloud 18-13
- Oracle IaaS Overview 18-15
- Oracle PaaS Overview 18-16
- Oracle SaaS Overview 18-17
- Summary 18-18
19. Oracle Application Container Cloud Service Overview
- Objectives 19-2
- Oracle Application Container Cloud Service 19-3
- Oracle Application Container Cloud 19-4
- Polyglot Platform 19-5
- Open Platform 19-6
- Container-based Application Platform as a Service 19-7
- Elastic Scaling 19-8
- Profiling 19-9
- Manageable 19-10
- Deploy—Application Archive (Zip) 19-12
- Application Deployment 19-13
- Application Container Cloud Architecture 19-14
- Load Balancer 19-15
- Oracle Developer Cloud Service 19-16
- Developer Cloud Service – Easy Adoption/Integration 19-17
- Application Container Cloud Service Advantages 19-19
- Summary 19-20
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